Getting Divorced During Coronavirus

Are you contemplating getting divorced during Coronavirus?
A yearning for stability during the pandemic is common and in the divorce journey as well – trying to navigate getting divorced during coronavirus
Is there a way to file for divorce while social distancing? Where is mediation held? Are there settlement conferences any longer? What about custody evaluations and other assessments that have long necessitated close observation of parents and children? Can you still have your day in court for your final divorce? The answer to these questions is yes. All areas of divorce are static with a new choreography; a dance that changes daily. I would be remiss if I claimed that divorce journeys over the next few months may not present challenges.
Procedures for getting divorced during coronavirus will be carved out in different ways; more streamlined and efficient. How those changes sculpt the new landscape of divorce is something that only time will tell us. For the first time in a long time, I look at those changes as the glass is half full.
Typically, I am someone who neither sees the glass as half full or half empty. Rather I look at the glass as half – something in the middle. Maybe my perception is built out of a protective mechanism to avoid disappointment if things go poorly or pleasant surprise if things go well. With my pragmatic lens of life, I make decisions predicated on facts. Facts – a word we hear frequently these days. What are the facts?
How We Live Today Is Drastically Different
The general consensus of opinion is that the normal as we knew is in the past. How we lived just two months ago will be an existence for history books; something we tell our grandchildren that happened all before the big virus of 2020. We can be accurate if we assume that life after the pandemic will be different. We will adapt to our new normal whatever that will be. We will make changes in how we shop, congregate, educate – and get divorced.
I can help if you are getting divorced during the pandemic.
For more information on how I can help you through your divorce, I offer a self-paced divorce course and 1:1 coaching packages.