To all the parents whose children have been brainwashed to hate, reject, dismiss and disrespect them. To the parents who have not spoken to their child in weeks, months or years due to the false narratives presented about them. To each parent that is in pain every moment of their life as they wonder about their “lost” child no matter how old that child is.

The Battle PA Bundle includes everything you need to help stop this heartbreaking situation.

Parental Alienation help

70 minute lesson ($247 value)

Lifetime access to my module Battling Parental Alienation: What to Do When Your Ex Convinces Your Children to Hate You


E-book & Resources ($127 value)

My 10 page E-Book, Why Parental Alienation Has Nothing to Do with You plus all of my checklists, action sheets and resource lists


Private Facebook Group Access (invaluable!)

I check in with the Battling Parental Alienation Facebook group daily, host Q&A's and offer a private community for ongoing support!


Hi, I'm Susan.

Certified Divorce Coach
& Parental Alienation Specialist

I have been where you are, alienated from my child for reasons I knew were not valid; reasons that my child had been brainwashed to believe about me.

It all happened so quickly.

One day, my child and I were as close as we had ever been, and within weeks, their feelings about me had changed. Before I knew it, my child began making false accusations about me and refused to see me. Days and weeks went by that I did not see them and was accused of actions that never even took place.

My child’s rational world had become irrational, one full of lies and false narratives. 

And it all came from one source – one that was not my innocent child.

In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Susan Shofer, Certified Divorce Coach and Parental Alienation Specialist. Mom of 2 grown kids, Ted X speaker and avid traveler. My coaching techniques have helped hundreds of men and women across the country, from Real Housewives to Wall Street to Congress.

Invaluable Resources to Help You Diffuse & Defy Parental Alienation + GET MY BOOK FOR FREE

© copyright Susan Shofer 2021